Bella Bean's Room

             Bella Bean is my sweet little munchkin that has DTM (Diploid Triploid Mosaicism) plain walls just doesn't fit this kid's need to be visually stimulated. So I set about making her room fit her bubbly personality.

             A mobile from one of Fisher Price's jungle theme nurseries was one of the only things she reacted two when she was a tiny squirt so I have kinda clung to jungle items for her. When deciding on starting point for her room jungle trees and animals seemed the natural way to go for her.

            To be honest I had no desire to prime and repaint the whole room and I kind of liked the color that was already there. I thought a none white background would allow the trees to stand out but not be overly bright. Now the animals where a whole different story, I wanted them to pop like colorful animal shaped polka dots. To keep the wonderfully bright colors I had picked out from being muted by the non primed already painted walls I first sketched (yup I drew all over the walls!!) the animals then painted them in with primer and finally painted them with the colors.

                          Now with awesome crazy colored animals roaming the walls there was no way she could have a plain Jane ceiling. I picked out a fabulous blue paint, but I just couldn't bring myself to paint the ceiling it was just sooooo blue. Clouds!! How could I forget clouds so I drew up a fun cloud on roselin paper and cut it out to use as a stencil. Still I couldn't bring myself to paint it. It would be such a pain to paint over if we ever sell, see I have rented for waaaay too long. I constantly stop mid project with the thought that I will never fix whatever it is I am working on for the neutral of a sale. Will it ever end?! Finally i just grabbed the brush, put some paint on it, and swiped it across the ceiling. Ahhhh much better color is started so I HAVE to finish it, right? Now I can stop worrying about that and get on to the fun things like where am I going to put clouds?

                               I took that cloud stencil and folded painters tape in half with to put the sticky side out so I could stick the cloud to the ceiling without compromising the lovely rounded edges. I used the a roller and gently rolled over the edges of the cloud, but of course caught the side of one and the kids are so kind to point out one of the clouds has a flat edge to it. Thanks kids. I figured eventually I would put in some sort of sun, but how I am going to do it just has not come to me yet so clouds are pretty much only on one half of the ceiling.

                                                     One corner pretty much finished :)  

The banana tree and its weird butterfly (that's what the kids say it looks like) shaped bush small tree thing.

                                      So this banana tree seemed like a fun addition to the room, I mean who wouldn't want a banana tree in their room? Off to research what a banana tree really looks like, apparently when I started to sketch it it occurred to me I had no idea what one looked like. I think I looked at pictures of banana trees for three days before I settled on how I wanted to draw it. Did you know that there is a giant pinkish red flower at the end of the banana bunch? Yeah I didn't either. 

                                        Here you have it the progression of a banana tree...

                                         What you ask? Where is the finished banana tree? I lost my mojo and started building a crib. That's pretty much how my poor brain works it is fired up for a great project then all of a sudden I can't see it anymore and I have to stop.

                                         Its been bugging me lately so I think it just may get finished soon...


  1. I think it looks awesome!!! Any kid would be lucky to have a jungle room!! Love it!!!!
